Pretty Word Badge
Find 20 'Gift Words' this week! (Gift Words appear with letters missing on the word list. Progress granted for replaying completed puzzles)
Win this badge plus 3000 Tokens!
Playing manually I completed the badge and acquired 3,496 extra tokens in 44 minutes. If you follow these guidelines, your time will probably be faster:
1. Open Word Search Daily and make sure that the difficulty level is set to "easy"
2. Press the "new game" and "random" until you see a word in blue appear (the "gift word") on your word list
3. Even if the bottom of the puzzle has a message saying "This Game Does Not Count Towards Earning a Badge", this message is INCORRECT in this case: as soon as I finished the puzzle, it gave me credit for the blue gift word.
4. Refer to my previous Word Search Daily badge post here for helpful puzzle-solving advice and tips.
Some tidbits I learned are to NOT USE HINT on the blue gift word because you will NOT receive credit for it. If you can't figure out what the blue word is immediately, just look for the most consecutive letters in the puzzle. For example, if it says c_ard, look for "ard" in the puzzle and voila.
Bashful Badge
Find 100 words that do NOT contain the letter 'e' this week!
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
Hello gorgeous! When I originally opened Boggle Buddy it was plain 'ol Jane and now the updated version that works with the black bar is a total makeover! Very nice. Okay, so on to the more important stuff...
You can let it autoplay and just walk away and eventually it will get the badge. If you want to really speed things up, you can do what I did: I double clicked on all the words in the Buddy's word list that did not have "e"s in them (really nice when one puzzle didn't have an e in it!). A few minutes of the 12 (that's right - only TWELVE minutes... and 665 extra tokens!) it took to complete the challenge were spent waiting for the time to run out and the next round to begin so you'll definitely finish this up in no time by playing manually with the bot as a helper.
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