Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sep. 26, 2012: Puck's Peak & BOGGLE Bash Badge Challenges

Puck's Peak Badge Challenge

Flying Eye Badge
Get 9 Jackpot spins this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

Puck's Peak has never piqued my interest so thank you Puck Buddy for completing my challenge like so:

Game Difficulty: N/A
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 3,971 tokens earned
Time: 32 minutes
NOTES: Per Play Buddy's suggestion, I played on the purple level. The shortest games (jackpot spins) are 500m so definitely make sure this is selected in your game AND in the Buddy's options; the level will say 100/500 on these rounds.

BOGGLE Bash Badge Challenge

Groovy Speller Badge
Find 290 words of 4 letters or more this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
I'm pretty good at BOGGLE Bash but I have to admit it's nice having Boggle Buddy around to give me the occasional necessary hint. With my Buddy's help the challenge was finished up like so:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Speed 5; Under "Solution sorting" select "Order by word length" and "Descending"
Tokens: 3,430 tokens earned
Time: 19 minutes
NOTES: By making the setting changes noted above I sped the input up a bit and made it so the longest letter words were played first since the badge requires a minimum of 4 letter words.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sep. 19, 2012: PoppaZoppa & Showbiz Slots Badge Challenges

PoppaZoppa Badge Challenge

Mash Up Badge
Find 39 eggs this week! (Clear the board to find an egg. Complete the game to check your progress.) 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

So this one's a doozy. Thank heaven for 7-11... I mean PoppZopp Buddy! ;-) Here's how my pal did, while I cooked up some breakfast:

Game Difficulty: N/A
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 5,692 tokens earned
Time: 1 hour 23 minutes
NOTES: Since each round is timed and you must finish ALL rounds for progress to count, combined with scores and jackpot spins... well, get comfy (or get the Buddy) because there's nothing you can do to fast forward.

Showbiz Slots Badge Challenge

Action! Badge
Spin the reels to get 99 3-D glasses this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
Didn't realize until the past couple weeks how many slot games there are. Can I just say YAY for Showbiz Buddysince it clicked 'spin' a gazillion times on my behalf and got my badge like so:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 8,350 tokens earned
Time: 26 minutes
NOTES: BEWARE: there is Showbiz Slots 2 and Showbiz 2 Buddy: make sure you're using the original of each! And player's completion time will vary since it's "luck 'o the spin" (good luck!).

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sep. 12, 2012: Golf Solitaire & Double Deuce Poker Badge Challenge

Golf Solitaire Badge Challenge

Fore! Badge
Reach Par or better 29 times this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

This morning's badge challenge provides an opportunity to do something else if you want, since Golf Sol Buddy can tackle the lengthy ordeal all on it's own like so:

Game Difficulty: N/A
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 5,413 tokens earned
Time: 1 hour 6 minutes
NOTES: Play in a "Super Speedy" room first and foremost; in case you're wondering, you'll need to finish the entire 5-holes before progress is counted.

Double Deuce Poker Badge Challenge

Double Dealin' Badge
Win 590 tokens this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
I'm glad I had Double Deuce Buddy since it saw a couple winning hands I didn't see (oops!) and thus helped get my badge quickly like this:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 2,165 tokens earned
Time: 11 minutes
NOTES: None.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sep. 5, 2012: Claire Hart: Soul Searcher & Crossword Cove Badge Challenges

Claire Hart: Soul Searcher Badge Challenge

Sweet Admiration Badge
Find 90 Objects this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

Challenge? What challenge? I only feel an easy breeze with Claire Buddy at my side. See:

Game Difficulty: N/A
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 11,170 tokens earned
Time: 4 minutes
NOTES: So you can skip wasting 10 minutes like I did. :-) Do NOT use the individual buttons within the case to play but instead use "Start Case" and play through the ENTIRE episode to get credit; that means two COMPLETE cases (5 episodes each case).

Crossword Cove Badge Challenge

Chillin' Badge
Solve 49 down words without using hints or solves this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
I love that Play Buddy updates badge bots when necessary; I remember the old version didn't do vertical words but this updated Crossword Buddy most certainly does and was able to fly through my challenge like so:

Game Difficulty: HARD
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 2,000 tokens earned
Time: 5 minutes
NOTES: If you know you've already gotten 49 vertical words then press 'all done' to finish the puzzle early because you'll still get credit. ALSO playing in US rooms instead of UK gives MORE words.