Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aug 29, 2012: Swashbucks & WordJong Badge Challenges

Swashbucks Badge Challenge

Fire at Will Badge
Earn 2800 tokens this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

Yay! New Buddy #1: Swashbuck Buddy! This game is eerily similar to 'Zuma'. Anywho, here's how it did on my badge challenge:

Game Difficulty: 3
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 3,936 tokens earned
Time: 32 minutes
NOTES: Play on level difficulty '3', as it gets 150-250 tokens per game UNLESS your computer is slower in which case you probably need to change to level difficulty '1' which gets slightly less tokens but isn't too shabby (about 100-130 per game).

WordJong Badge Challenge

Om Badge
Get 68 wild tiles this week! (Win the game to check your progress) 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
Ohhhh yeah... new Buddy #2: Word Jhong Buddy! This latest auto performed like this:

Game Difficulty: HARD
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 10,174 tokens earned
Time: 31 minutes

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22, 2012: Family Feud & Panda Pai Gow Poker Badge Challenges

Family Feud Badge Challenge

Feudin Family Badge
Reach the fast money round 8 times this week! (Finish the game to check your progress) 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

Wow, getting to the fast money round is definitely a lengthy process (and downright impossible if you don't know the answers) so hip-hip-horray for Feud Buddy! Here's how it did on my badge challenge:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 6,312 tokens earned
Time: 56 minutes

Panda Pai Gow Poker Badge Challenge

Rocket Rider Badge
Set off the bonus bet rocket at the top of the stairs 18 times this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
Yay! I've been looking forward to an update for Pai Gow Buddy for a few months now so I'm very excited to have used this new and improved version which performed like this:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 6,570 tokens earned
Time: 34 minutes

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aug 15, 2012: Sock Hop Slots & Boardwalk Sea Ball Badge Challenges

Just an interesting observation about this week's badges: notice alllllll the EIGHTS!  I think Pogo meant for these challenges to be last week (Aug 8 aka 8/8).  ;-)

Sock Hop Slots Badge Challenge

Do Wop Ducks Badge
Earn 880 tokens this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

ANOTHER slots challenge? Really Pogo?! Well thank goodness for has Sock Hop Buddy who'll spin and win for me. Check it out:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Speed '1'
Tokens: 1,725 tokens earned
Time: 27 minutes
NOTES: Once again it's luck 'o the spin (i.e. I hit a jackpot spin for 200 and someone else immediately hit 10k jackpot!). So good luck!

Boardwalk Sea Ball Badge Challenge

Duck Defense Badge
Roll 888 balls this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
For whatever reason, I'm not so good at the controls on this game so I'm thankful for Boardwalk Buddy who was able to roll for me and knocked out the challenge like so:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 7,368 tokens earned
Time: 1 hour 2 minutes
NOTES: I actually finished about 5 minutes earlier (in the beginning of the last game) but you have to finish ALL the rounds of the game for the progress to count.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Aug 8, 2012: First Class Solitaire and Monopoly Slots Badge Challenges

First Class Solitaire Badge Challenge

First Class Ride Badge
Earn 2000 tokens this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

Although Play Buddy has Class First Buddy, I find that this particular bot works better with my assistance (I play right at the beginning and periodically in between to move cards faster) so here is how we did:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 4,105 tokens earned
Time: 1 hour 11 minutes
NOTES: Even on a "bum" game, place as many cards as possible into the finishing piles because when you do "new game" you'll get tokens for the cards that were moved there.

Monopoly Slots Badge Challenge

Heavy Medal Badge
Pass Go once this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

I have a short attention span when it comes to clicking "spin" a million times so I'm grateful Nopoly Slots Buddynabbed my badge while I cooked breakfast. Here's how it did:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 10,260 tokens earned
Time: 44 minutes
NOTES: Keep in mind this is 'luck of the spin' and where your piece is on the board so your challenge completion might take more or less time and have more or less tokens.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Aug 1, 2012: Sci Fi Slots and CLUE Badge Challenges

Sci Fi Slots Badge Challenge

Red Robot Badge
Get 280 red capsules this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!

280 capsules? No problem says Sci Fi Buddy. This easy breezy challenge was nothing but spin, spin, spin, spin and got finished up like so:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 10,724 tokens earned
Time: 1 hour 36 minutes

CLUE: Secrets and Spies Badge Challenge

Losing a Tail Badge
Finish an episode within 20 minutes 2 times this week! 
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
I could have spent an hour hunting down all the objects myself (I actually do enjoy Clue) but there is a fascination in watching Clue Buddy fly through the episodes and rack up the tokens like so:

Game Difficulty: n/a
Buddy Settings: Default
Tokens: 11,073 tokens earned
Time: 5 minutes