Pilot Wings Badge
Serve 500 customers this week!
Win this badge plus 2000 Tokens!
Play Buddy has a great bot in Aces Up Buddy - as my extra 3,791 tokens can attest to - but during the 1 hour 43 minutes it took to complete the badge, I noticed a few little buggies that could make this bot even more of a flying ace. For instance, one time-waster was a loop that the Buddy would get stuck in when it ran out of moves; sometimes it would keep pressing "undo move" time and time and time and time again. So if you happen to see this, you can complete the badge faster just by clicking new game on behalf of the bot. Similarly, sometimes in those "dead end" game scenarios, you can see the dead end on the board before the Buddy does... starting a new game immediately at that time also speeds up the process.
Slice and Dice Badge
Correctly place 350 dice this week! (Finish the game to check your progress.)
Win this badge plus 3000 Tokens!
Sadly no Play Buddy for this game, but at least the game was pretty fun and easy! So first off, bid for extra dice if you're playing the auction round, but I highly recommend playing the "No Auction" option since it goes a lot faster. I started out with the auction verson, not immediately realizing there was a no auction version and this definitely contributed a chunk of time to the 42 minutes it took to complete the challenge. Once I was in the no auction room, the dice count sped up noticeably and at the end of it all I earned an extra 1,937 tokens.
WARNING: You must get through all 4 quarters before you're awarded the final dice count.